What happens when independent Primary Care Physicians sell to Hospitals

Independent Physicians and Ancillary Services

We know this when independents sell to systems. Costs only go up. Burnout rises Medical errors increase Excerpt The number of physicians employed by hospitals and health systems grew by nearly 50% from 2012 to 2015, with a corresponding decline in the number of independently practicing physicians, https://www.modernhealthcare.com/article/20180220/NEWS/180229989

Big Healthcare opposes Competition

Big Healthcare

We locals love our hospitals. They support good causes. They offer free care to indigents. Their boards are filled with rocks of the community beyond reproach. Then there’s this clarion call. This is a masterful piece of writing.  My favorite suggestion….. do away with unfair pricing over independents. Sadly,Big Healthcare protects its own and has … Read moreBig Healthcare opposes Competition

Dear burned-out PCP’s: here’s why burnout solutions don’t work (and what does)

Burned out Primary Care Physicians

Dear Burned out PCP, As a primary care physician, you undoubtedly know what a huge problem burnout has become in our industry. In fact, there’s better than even odds you’re one of the 54% of physicians currently suffering. This information will be your lifeline. I don’t need to tell you why burnout happens. You’re on … Read moreDear burned-out PCP’s: here’s why burnout solutions don’t work (and what does)

Government Policies are Driving Doctors to Quit Health Care

Doctors quit healthcare

Finally…been waiting for a report on this. The Most Underreported Story in Healthcare. Bar none. Excerpt The government deserves much of the blame for doctors’ low morale. For years, the feds have cut their pay, meddled in their decisions, and subjected them to mountains of needless paperwork. Physicians are increasingly responding by leaving active medical … Read moreGovernment Policies are Driving Doctors to Quit Health Care